A Question of Sport

A Question of Sport

Monday 3rd March 2025 at the Eastwood Suite at Portland College

Many of you viewing this page will have been saddened by the BBC’s decision to cancel Question of Sport. No real surprise with drastically falling viewer numbers, and like us, feel that this was self-inflicted as a result of messing with a tried and tested formula with Sue Barker at the helm..

The only change to the Armchair Club’s event is that we have moved back to the first Monday in March, but in every other respect the QoS remains unchanged with a tried and tested event that is great fun and importantly too, raises funds that find their way to support local sports people. Unless you have participated in our QoS evening you may not know what a great evening you are missing. It’s a great night of sporting fun. We will have multi-screen presentations.

The format allows the QoS part of the evening to take around 90 minutes and allows plenty of time for answers and banter around the table, projection equipment, full audio-visual support with scores being displayed on screen after each round.It’s always a great event. Teams are already being selected, with sportsmen and women all determined to win the coveted QoS Trophy currently held by Hopkins SolicitorsPrevious winners have included Collin’s Casuals, Edwinstowe Plumbing & Heating, John Sankey Estate Agents, Andrew Saunders, Stopford Associates, and Nat West Bank. Why not enter a team and enjoy a great evening and perhaps even go home with the QoS trophy.Can you get a team together to win?There’s only one way to find out. Tickets for the QoS evening are £40 pp, with tables of 8, 10 and 12, as well as individual or indeed smaller multiplies being accommodated.

Our QoS evening is a great opportunity to entertain customers or get a group from work together for some fun. Or maybe just a few friends for an enjoyable night out.You and your guests are asked to arrive at the Eastwood Suite at Portland College any time after 7.00pm in readiness for the meal being served at 7.30pm. Dress is smart casual please.  Confirming your bookings couldn’t be easier.Either telephone Bev at Stewart Rickersey’ s office on Mansfield 707017 or reply by e-mail to stewart@rickersey.net. Invoices can be provided.

Remember that Ladies are very welcome at all Armchair Club events.

Previous Winners

1999 – Judson Signs2012 – Stopford Associates
2000 – Judson Signs2013 – Andrew Saunders Insurance Services
2001 – SPG2014 – Andrew Saunders Insurance Services
2002 – David Blount Estate Agents2015 – Hall-Fast Industrial Supplies
2003 – David Blount Estate Agents2016 – Alfreton Insurance
2004 – The Chad2017 – Alfreton Insurance
2005 – Alfreton Insurance Services2018 – Collins Wealth Management
2006 – Alfreton Insurance Services2019 – John Sankey Estate Agents
2007 – The Chad2020 – Edwinstowe Plumbing & Heating
2008 – East Midlands Plastering2021 – Cancelled due to covid
2009 – The Chad2022 - Collins Casuals
2010 – Nat West Bank2023 - Collins Casuals
2011 – Andrew Saunders Insurance Services2024 – Hopkins Solicitors